M6 - Damage Assessment
Module 6 like Module 5 still deals with Hurricane Sandy and its effects and damages. This week we focused on creating a map to show Sandy's track points and path from the Atlantic over to the Gulf coast, create a citizen damage assessment using Survey 123, creating damage assessment using pre and post images, and examining damage patterns based of distance from the coastline. Hurricane Sandy, a Category 1 storm, affected the states of New Jersey and the Gulf coast with billions of damage and homes destroyed. Below, shows the map for Sandy's track and path with information regarding wind speeds and barometric pressure. T he second part, dealt on using Survey123 to create a citizen damage assessment which can be accessed by anyone with organizational account. This survey helps field collectors to assess the damage and compile it in one database. The database collects data like GPS point, photo, date and time, type and description of the damage. Here's the link to the damage ...