M5 - Coastal Flooding

This week's module is about coastal flooding which I had worked with during Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. I had occurring issues at the beginning due to intermittent connection and my personal laptop is taking time to run some analysis. The first analysis is about elevation change using pre and post sandy rasters. 

Pre-sandy in LAS dataset

Post-sandy in LAS dataset

With raster calculator we are able to show elevation change from raster taken from the past and after the disaster. The map below represent the coastline erosion in red while the blue depicts possible accumulation of building debris (see map below).

The second part focuses on creating a storm surge of 2 meters in Cape May County, New Jersey. The map shows the percentage of about 46.77% of Cape May County is affected by storm surge as depicted below.

Lastly, the part that I had a hard time running the analysis for spatial join due to the number of buildings. This focused on showing the no. of buildings that are affected based off LiDAR and USGS elevation models during a 1-meter storm surge in Florida. I also used the spatial join and field calculator to determine the percentage of errors of omission and commission. I made sure to select affected buildings as long as they intersect the storm surge area per the rasters from LiDAR and USGS. The map below shows the unaffected buildings (gray), USGS affected only (green), LiDAR affected only (red) and both (blue).


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