5 - Analytics

This week's module and lab focused on creating an infographic map using  two normalized variablees from the 2018 County Health Rankings dataset. I used the variables excessive drinking and diabetes prevalence as I learned that somehow drinking alcohol in moderation could lower the risk of diabetes but when drinking greater amounts would be a different story. Most doctors don’t forbid their patients in consuming alcohol, like my uncle for example, but should be done in moderation. Some say alcohol can help decrease blood sugar level, but excessive drinking can also cause hypoglycemia which is high risk for people with type 1 diabetes. So, I wanted to use this opportunity to investigate these variables if excessive drinking is correlated to the risk of diabetes. In addition, both variables are normalized as they are calculated percentages of excessive drinkers and diabetics per county population.


I used Power BI to create my scatter plot and most of my data visualizations. I made a box type scatter with x and y values in intervals of 5 so that the balance between point distances will look neat and it will adhere to how my bar charts look.

Bar Charts

To add some fun in my map, instead of using a plain horizontal chart I created an infographic bar chart so that I can change the bar icons into a can of beer for excessive drinking and food icon (burger) for diabetes. This helped me to create a more fun way to visualize the percentages differently. I chose to show the top 3 and bottom 3 states since the choropleth map showed more of a county percentage for my variables. And then I used the same colors as my legend in the map so that it's standardized across all visualization.

Data Visualization Techniques (Donut Chart)

I used a simple donut chart this time instead of creating an icon so that my map won’t be too crowded with too many icons. A simple donut chart would add simplicity to the map yet informative in explaining the average percentage of excessive drinking and diabetes prevalence in the US.

Final Layout

For my previous lab maps, I usually use a certain layout but this time a kept it simple with white background due to its infographic setup. I kept my colors standard for excessive drinking and diabetes prevalence for all visualizations. I used the same color scheme for my bar chart based on the colors I used in the map legend.  I then put all related information per side – left for excessive drinking and right for diabetes prevalence. Then I placed my scatter plot at the center indicating on creating a comparison between the 2 values. Lastly, if you’ll notice the visualizations are different across visuals: map – county level, bar chart – state level, donut chart – country level.


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