About Me Blog Post

Hi I'm Janeen Kim Cayetano, I'm currently taking my GIS certification in UWF and pursuing my application in UWF's Master's in GIS Administration. It took me a year to find the right school for my needs that will help me to gain experience even online. I live in the Philippines and there's no dedicated degree anywhere in our country that offers GIS hence, I took the courage to look for an online Master's. Luckily, my work provides me educational assistance to pay for the university fees.

I work as a Data and Geospatial Analyst at Catholic Relief Services providing Information, Communication Technology For Development (ICT4D) insights and support using Power BI and ArcGIS to different country programs/projects worldwide. My interests are emergency response works focusing on disaster risk reduction and management. You can check some of my works in these articles below:

How to Protect Refugee Camps from Floods and Cyclones Using Geographic Information Systems

Digitization of Insecticide-Treated Net Distribution in Benin: Adapting to COVID-19 at Scale Through Digital Mapping

I'm looking forward to learn more skills in the said program both technically and the business/administration side as well. I hope to continue my degree in UWF once I finish passing the requirements in my application. To know more about me besides being geeky (at times) and workaholic you can check my Story Map for my favorite travels: https://arcg.is/1PDv4f


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