Final Project - GIS Model with Final Output Maps

For our final week, we had to create a cartographic model summarizing the process, criteria datasets, and tools we’ll mainly use to arrive at our desired results. Upon reading on the objectives we’ve determined the list of our datasets needed as well as possible geoprocessing tools and analysis that we’ll use in order to arrive at our resulting map.

We started with a basemap or study/project area map where we define which part of Florida are we working on.

For objective 1, we want to know the area percentage of environmentally sensitive lands that will be affected by the transmission line. We were provided with the conservation lands and national wetlands inventory data to calculate the impacts in the area.The clipped areas in this analysis will be used to calculate our main result for this objective which is the percentage affected over the total land in our study area.

For objective 2, we want to quantify the homes within the proximity of the transmission line, but we don’t have data points of the houses yet. Although we have parcel data for Manatee and Saratosa county, we still need to know the houses that might be affected. Since we have high-resolution images of the area, we can use that to digitize homes based on our perception of the aerial image. We will then use key assignment in order to identify if the house we’ve digitized fall inside the corridor or if they fall inside the corridor with the additional 400ft buffer. We'll do the same for parcels.

For objective 3, we want to define if there are any schools and daycares that are within the proximity of the transmission line. We were not provided with this data and we had to look for it in to get data points for both. We then use select by location again for both schools and daycares and check if there are any that intersects within the transmission line corridor.

Last objective (4) is where I had a hard time doing this analysis as the Polygon to Centerline feature in my ArcGIS Pro is not available. Hence, I had to use my ArcMap software and use multiple tools to come up with the centerline. I transformed the corridor polygon to a line using a feature to line. I converted the meters to miles and used the calculation formula in page 6 of the PPT link file which resulted to $69,090,000.

Overall, this was a good final project and we had to apply all our learned GIS analytical and data skills. In addition, oh how I loved creating the story map section where we had to collate and conclude all the information we've got into a PPT-like presentation but a more interactive format. I had fun in exercising my basic GIS skills and again and am hungry for more!


URLs for Final Map Products in Story Map

Story Map:



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