Week 6.1 - Georeferencing and Editing

This week's module taught us how to georeference for 3 different raster data. Two of them are satellite imagery that was clipped for the UWF area. Adding raster images without georeferenced data in ArcGIS Pro will appear floating around an unknown island/area/country. To change this one must georeference the image accordingly by adding control points from image to the actual point. Tip #1 is to spread out the points for more accuracy and the number of control points can also make a difference. Besides that, we can look on the RMS (Root Mean Square) Error to determine the accuracy to the actual location. Each transformation depends on how you want your image to be shown or how distorted your image is. The higher the transformation level the more control points you need. Transformation also let you bend your raster image - again depending on how distorted your raster image is. On the other hand, besides the satellite imagery we were also give a survey data image and applied georeferencing too. This is actually helpful in reviewing past drawing surveys or like land parcels.

Another thing we did was to edit our vector dataset or what is known as digitizing. We 
created new features like additional UWF buildings and roads that was not up-to-date to our current data. This is useful when we want to update our vector data over time as well as update the attributes. We also reviewed some geoprocessing tools we've learned from the past modules in order to create a visualization of the bald eagle's nest conservation easement.  You'll notice in the map that the newly added features are in green with the buffer indication in feet from the nest. I've added 2 inset maps showing a closer look on the nest just to see the protection area buffer and where it is located in Florida.The RMS Error information were also added with name callouts for the raster images. 

Overall, this assignment was a lot fun - time consuming YES but I learned a lot of new stuff. I did not entirely knew about RMSE and how each transformations are best explain.


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